


Write given parameters to different targets. The targets get defined in PROPERTY table.
Just used internally.
ParameterIn/OutData TypeDescription
Return values:
  • VOID
Thiemo Kellner, 2018 -
Version Info:
$Id: WRITE_MESSAGE.pg_sql 18 2018-06-15 20:24:13Z thiemo $
Additional Info:
  • This function is meant to be private. Its use outside pglogger is very limited at most. That's why it is marked as private eventhough it is visible to the outside. All of this is due to the fact that PostgreSQL 10 and earlier does not support packages.
  • License LGPLv3
  • Once PostgreSQL supports packages, integrate this function into one. For the time being, it should get installed within a schema on its own and no execution grants should be given on it.
  • Once HyperSQL supports a license tag, convert the corresponding info tag into one.


0001: \echo Start functions/WRITE_MESSAGE.pg_sql
0003: /** Write given parameters to different targets.
0004:  *  The targets get defined in PROPERTY table.
0005:  *
0006:  *  @function WRITE_MESSAGE
0007:  *  @return void
0008:  *  @param in text I_MESSAGE Value for LOG.MESSAGE.
0009:  *  @param in text I_LEVEL Value for LOG.LEVEL.
0010:  *  @private
0011:  *  @info This function is meant to be private. Its use outside pglogger is
0012:  *        very limited at most. That's why it is marked as private eventhough
0013:  *        it is visible to the outside. All of this is due to the fact that
0014:  *        PostgreSQL 10 and earlier does not support packages.
0015:  *  @version $Id: WRITE_MESSAGE.pg_sql 18 2018-06-15 20:24:13Z thiemo $
0016:  *  @todo Once PostgreSQL supports packages, integrate this function into one.
0017:  *        For the time being, it should get installed within a schema on its
0018:  *        own and no execution grants should be given on it.
0019:  *  @todo Once HyperSQL supports a license tag, convert the corresponding
0020:  *        info tag into one.
0021:  *  @copyright Thiemo Kellner, 2018 -
0022:  *  @info License LGPLv3
0023:  *  @webpage
0024:  */
0025: create or replace function WRITE_MESSAGE(
0026:     I_MESSAGE text,
0027:     I_LEVEL text
0028: )
0029:   returns void
0030:   language plpgsql
0031:   stable
0032:   -- Include the hosting schema into search_path so that dblink
0033:   -- can find the pglogger objects. There is no need to access
0034:   -- objects in other schematas not covered with public.
0035:   set search_path = :SCHEMA_NAME, public
0036:   as
0037: $body$
0038:     declare
0039:         -- constants
0040:         C_CALLER_FUNCTION constant name :=
0041:           GET_CALLER_FUNCTION();
0042:         C_PRESENT_USER constant name := current_user;
0043:         C_SESSION_USER constant name := session_user;
0044:         C_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP constant timestamp with time zone :=
0045:           transaction_timestamp();
0046:         C_TRANSACTION_ID constant bigint :=
0047:           txid_current_if_assigned();
0048:         C_SERVER_PID constant bigint := pg_backend_pid();
0049:         C_REMOTE_ADDRESS constant inet := inet_client_addr();
0050:         C_REMOTE_PORT constant int := inet_client_port();
0051:         C_TIMESTAMPFORMAT constant text :=
0054:           );
0055:         C_INTEGERFORMAT constant text :=
0058:           );
0059:         C_LB constant text :=
0061:               I_PROPERTY_NAME => 'LINEBREAK'
0062:           );
0064:         -- variables
0065:         V_STACK text;
0066:         V_MESSAGE text;
0067:         V_ENTRY text;
0068:         -- concatenation with null results in null
0069:         V_CALLER_FUNCTION text := coalesce(C_CALLER_FUNCTION, '');
0070:         V_TRANSACTION_ID text :=
0071:           trim(
0072:               coalesce(
0073:                   to_char(C_TRANSACTION_ID, C_INTEGERFORMAT),
0074:                   ''
0075:               )
0076:           );
0077:         V_SERVER_PID text := trim(to_char(C_SERVER_PID, C_INTEGERFORMAT));
0078:         V_REMOTE_ADDRESS text := coalesce(host(C_REMOTE_ADDRESS), '');
0079:         V_REMOTE_PORT text :=
0080:           trim(
0081:               coalesce(
0082:                   to_char(C_REMOTE_PORT, C_INTEGERFORMAT),
0083:                   ''
0084:               )
0085:           );
0086:         V_DBLINK_CONNECT_STRING text;
0087:         V_DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME text;
0088:         V_QUERY text;
0089:     begin
0090:         if IS_LOGGING_TO_TABLE() then
0091:             V_DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME :=
0092:               GET_PROPERTY_VALUE_STRING(
0093:                   I_PROPERTY_NAME => 'DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME'
0094:               );
0095:             V_DBLINK_CONNECT_STRING :=
0096:               GET_PROPERTY_VALUE_STRING(
0097:                   I_PROPERTY_NAME => 'DBLINK_CONNECT_STRING'
0098:               );
0099:             -- Use literal (%L) as it returns the value null as the unquoted
0100:             -- string NULL.
0101:             V_QUERY := format(
0102:                            $s$select true from %I( $s$ || C_LB ||
0103:                              $s$           I_FUNCTION => %L::text, $s$ ||
0104:                              C_LB ||
0105:                              $s$           I_MESSAGE => %L::text, $s$ || C_LB ||
0106:                              $s$           I_LEVEL => %L::text, $s$ || C_LB ||
0107:                              $s$           I_PRESENT_USER => %L::name, $s$ ||
0108:                              C_LB ||
0109:                              $s$           I_SESSION_USER => %L::name, $s$ ||
0110:                              C_LB ||
0111:                              $s$           I_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP => $s$ ||
0112:                              C_LB ||
0113:                              $s$             %L::timestamptz, $s$ || C_LB ||
0114:                              $s$           I_TRANSACTION_ID => %L::bigint, $s$
0115:                              || C_LB   ||
0116:                              $s$           I_SERVER_PID => %L::bigint, $s$ ||
0117:                              C_LB ||
0118:                              $s$           I_REMOTE_ADDRESS => %L::inet, $s$ ||
0119:                              C_LB   ||
0120:                              $s$           I_REMOTE_PORT => %L::int $s$ ||
0121:                              C_LB ||
0122:                              $s$       ) $s$,
0123:                            'write_message_to_table',  -- lower case is needed
0124:                                                       -- because   %L
0125:                                                       -- double quotes
0126:                             C_CALLER_FUNCTION,
0127:                             I_MESSAGE,
0128:                             I_LEVEL,
0129:                             C_PRESENT_USER,
0130:                             C_SESSION_USER,
0131:                             C_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP,
0132:                             C_TRANSACTION_ID,
0133:                             C_SERVER_PID,
0134:                             C_REMOTE_ADDRESS,
0135:                             C_REMOTE_PORT
0136:                       );
0137:             if IS_ASYNCH_TAB_LOGGING() then
0138:                 -- Background workers for autonomous transactions are not (yet)
0139:                 -- even modules. One had to write/compile code like the one of
0140:                 -- Robert Haas (available at
0141:                 --
0142:                 -- As pglogger is meant to be usable out-of-the-box,
0143:                 -- pg_background_launch et al. is not a way to go.
0145:                 -- better to use dblink_connect_u with password file?
0146:                 perform dblink_connect(
0147:                             V_DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME,
0148:                             V_DBLINK_CONNECT_STRING
0149:                         );
0150:                 perform dblink_send_query(
0151:                             V_DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME,
0152:                             V_QUERY
0153:                         );
0154:                 perform dblink_disconnect(V_DBLINK_CONNECTION_NAME);
0155:             else
0156:                 perform * from dblink(
0157:                                    V_DBLINK_CONNECT_STRING,
0158:                                    V_QUERY
0159:                                ) as r(res boolean);
0160:             end if;
0161:             if (
0162:                 not IS_LOGGING_TO_STANDARD() and
0163:                   I_LEVEL = 'EXCEPTION'
0164:             ) then
0165:                 raise;
0166:             end if;
0167:         end if;
0168:         -- As raising an exception to standard will terminate execution,
0169:         -- logging to standard has to be last.
0170:         if IS_LOGGING_TO_STANDARD() then
0171:             V_ENTRY :=
0172:               to_char(
0173:                   clock_timestamp(),
0174:                   C_TIMESTAMPFORMAT) ||
0175:               C_LB ||
0176:               '   - Calling function: ' || V_CALLER_FUNCTION || C_LB ||
0177:               '   - Current user: ' || C_PRESENT_USER || C_LB ||
0178:               '   - Session user: ' || C_SESSION_USER || C_LB ||
0179:               '   - Transaction timestamp: ' ||
0180:               to_char(C_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP, C_TIMESTAMPFORMAT) || C_LB ||
0181:               '   - Transaction ID: ' || V_TRANSACTION_ID || C_LB ||
0182:               '   - Server process ID: ' || C_SERVER_PID || C_LB ||
0183:               '   - Address of the remote connection: ' ||
0184:               V_REMOTE_ADDRESS || C_LB ||
0185:               '   - Port of the remote connection: ' ||
0186:               V_REMOTE_PORT || C_LB ||
0187:               '   - Message: ' || coalesce(I_MESSAGE, '');
0188:             case I_LEVEL
0189:                 when 'DEBUG' then
0190:                     raise debug '%', V_ENTRY;
0191:                 when 'LOG' then
0192:                     raise log '%', V_ENTRY;
0193:                 when 'INFO' then
0194:                     raise info '%', V_ENTRY;
0195:                 when 'NOTICE' then
0196:                     raise notice '%', V_ENTRY;
0197:                 when 'WARNING' then
0198:                     raise warning '%', V_ENTRY;
0199:                 when 'EXCEPTION' then
0200:                     raise exception '%', V_ENTRY;
0201:                 else
0202:                     raise exception '%', 'Unsupported level ' || I_LEVEL;
0203:             end case;
0204:         end if;
0205:     exception when others then
0207:             -- 'get stacked diagnostics' can be used only within axception
0208:             -- clause.
0209:             get stacked diagnostics V_STACK = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;
0210:             perform WRITE_MESSAGE(
0211:                         I_MESSAGE => E'Error call stack\n' || V_STACK,
0212:                         I_LEVEL => 'NOTICE'
0213:                     );
0214:         end if;
0215:         raise;
0216:     end;
0217: $body$;
0219: comment on function WRITE_MESSAGE(
0220:     I_MESSAGE text,
0221:     I_LEVEL text
0222: ) is
0223:   'Write given parameters to different targets.
0224: The targets get defined in PROPERTY table.
0225: $Header: svn+ssh:// 18 2018-06-15 20:24:13Z thiemo $';
0227: commit; -- unlike Oracle not all ddl commit implicitly
0229: \echo End functions/WRITE_MESSAGE.pg_sql

Generated by HyperSQL v3.9.8 at Wed Jul 4 07:48:52 2018